'THE' 20Twenty 2008 BMX jam is fast approaching and the list of riders attending keeps growing.
Thanks to IMG/Proper we have confirmation of Gavin Shortall and Shaun Jinks, with Alex Platt and Mike Miller to confirm in the next week or so.
Seventies are sending Hoffman riders Jon Taylor and Bas Keep (bowl session on!), Mutiny Riders Niki Croft and Matt Roe and Federal riders Dan Lacey, Mark Love and Davie Watson (what a treat!).
Zeal are sending Standard rider James Hitchcox, Alone rider Lee Boyle and other riders still TBC (drinking session on!).
4Down have come up with the goods and are taking Dakota Roche over from the U.S of A, Dean Hearne from United, James Cox from S&M and another UK Fit rider TBC. Hopefully have another visit from Mr Ian Morris too.
All those names with out a mention of our home grown talents, Simon Gibb (BSD), Neil Keddie (Alone), 'Mad' Mick (BSD), Dean from Stranraer (BSD/Super S***), Chris from Stranraer (Nike 6.0/Unit23), Lewis Watson (20Twenty/4Down/Fit), Alex Donnachie (20Twenty/Seventies/Mutiny), Chaz Mailey (Unit23), the list goes on!!!
Jam kicks off at 12pm. Format on the day will be 'A' and 'B' group jam formats with 12 minute runs in groups of 5 (TBC on the day depending on number of entrants).
We never had time last year but this year we are putting on the 'Bowl Rider' comp. With the aformentioned line up this should be unmissable!
Then we rap it up at 8pm, Transition and hosting a gig in the park from Monotonix and from 11pm those old enough to get into Tunnels will get free admission to 'THE' afterparty with Funk band and Punk DJ.