Tuesday, 30 December 2008

The New Deal, son!!

Heads up all you TE locals!

We've got a New Deal on offer for January...it's like this:

Buy a monthly pass in January for £60...renew in February and pay £50...renew again in March and pay only £40. If you keep renewing your monthly pass thereafter, you only pay £40 per month. That's only forty sheets for unlimited access to the best spot in Scotland!!

All you have to do is front up at the start of the year and reap the rewards a few months later!

This offer can only be taken up in January...and you must renew your pass each month before the expiry date. It's that simple.

Get some.

Monday, 29 December 2008

Tour Dick

Colin Adam @ Easdale, Scotland

Another one to da game...Alex Irvine now has a fresh new blogspot! Go take a look at 'Tour Dick'. It features weird and wonderful photography from Irvine's road tripping across the plains.

Also if you haven't yet checked out his website then go do it now! You slacker!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008


1 lap of park
no pushing (+5sec penalty)
must pass through all gates (+5sec penalty)


Callum Barrack - 21.69
Youngo - 22.45
Raberdeen - 22.47
Tom Simpson - 22.48
Haydn Morgan - 22.77
Dan G - 22.93
Mike Hume - 23.16
Muzz - 23.41
Neil 2.0 - 23.68
Anders - 24.00
Chris Evans - 24.22
Al Allan - 24.37
Craig Mitchell - 25.14
Mike Hughes - 25.23
Colin Bruce - 25.77
Keith Allan - 25.82
Matt Smith - 26.11
Simie Simpson - 26.48
Sean M - 27.00
Tom Jones - 22.68 (+5)
Gareth Morgan - 26.35 (+10)
Dave Lane - N/A


Mike Ellington - 19.94
OZ - 20.77
Simon Gibb - 21.26
Conon - 22.61
Tim - 23.07


Sam Gregory - 23.64
Lewis Wilson - 25.68
Dale McCalister - 25.68
Jack Manson - 27.11
Mike Shaw - 27.75

Monday, 22 December 2008

Merry Christmas

Get yourself down to the park tomorrow for the 'Santa Schralp Jam'! Wear a santa hat if you're feeling festive, ho ho ho.

The skatepark staff would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas...we all hope you have a good one!

Bod an Deamhain

Here is a wee edit from when Alex Craig and John Rattray were over in Aberdeen this time last year...
Alex told me that it looked alright until Youtube squeezed the life out of it. I think it's still banging...gives it an arty feel, ken!

Cheers Al min, good work.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Minilogue - Animals

Minilogue - Animals from ljudbilden on Vimeo.

I have just been dappling on Vimeo and discovered this music video by a band called 'Minilogue'...this sounds like it could be the perfect chilling music for December.

If you like ambient electro check out Minilogue's myspace
Also have a wee looky at their website minilogue.com

Rat Dog in EA SKATE 2

Click here to watch the intro trailer for EA SKATE 2 featuring John Rattray.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Cliche cle

No exact dates of when Cliche are releasing 'Cle' but predictions are early in the new year.

Check out the photos from the premiere night...lookout for A'deen local Gary Bryce in 2nd last picture sporting a bonnie kilt! http://clicheskate.com/cle/diapocle.html

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Edinburgh Skatepark finally approved!

Plans for Edinburgh skatepark www.edinburghskatepark.org.uk/

News just in from Youngo:

Edinburgh skatepark has finally been approved...it passed planning this morning. About fucking time tae!

Document is done

After ten years in production 'Document Magazine' will no longer be hitting the shelves. This is the second magazine this year to fold, following the demise of the great American mag 'Slap'.
The last issue will be available to buy in the new year!
Thanks for a decade of skate related news.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

QOTD write up + photaes

On Saturday 6th December, within the walls of the Tunnels, the conclusion of an Aberdeen skateboarding first was taking place. Queen O’ The Deen 2008 (QOTD) was drawing to a close and the moment had come where all the participating teams would reveal the skateboarding magic that they had compiled over the previous month.

The friends and peers of those involved had gathered in the crowd, eagerly anticipating an exciting and entertaining night. They were not to be disappointed.

Nine teams were participating in the competition, the aim of which was to complete as many set challenges on camera as possible within the month of November, with the winner being the team that managed to complete the most challenges, as well as putting together the best edit.

All the edits will be available to watch online in the not-too distant future, so I won’t go into all the gory details of who did what, you can watch and judge that for yourselves. However, things that stand out in my mind would include: Haydn Morgan landing a bigspin murder flip over a hip; Callum Barrack stand up 5.0 in the deep end of the bowl – on a foot-long keyboard; Neil 2.0’s line in the bowl, which I think was second try; Steve Doag’s blindfolded tre fakie on a flat bank; Alistair Allan’s ridiculous drop in attempt; and both the start and end of the ‘Team under 5 Year Olds’ edit.

Got to also send a wee shout out to our Carluke friends for embracing the Aberdeen scene and handing an edit in themselves. There’s a barefoot backside nose-blunt stall, as well as a skinny white boy with his arse out in that edit, another one nae to be missed!

After the edits had been scrutinised, it was decided that the winner of QOTD 2008 was ‘The Ninja Bats’. Although they had a shite team name, their edit was banging.

The Ninja Bats comprised of Callum Barrack, Haydn Morgan, Gareth Morgan and Pete Copeland. Well done to them.

I would also like to thank Mark ‘Patty’ Paterson for sorting out the Tunnels as a venue for the premier showing of all the footage, as well as sorting out a collection of new skateboard videos which played in the background throughout the night, and served as perfect background entertainment for skateboarders intent on consuming copious amounts of alcohol.

Admittedly, November was possibly not the best month to attempt a competition like this, as the weather was definitely not favourable and a lot of people, (Ross King), were swamped with tons of course work for uni. Mistakes will be learned from, so watch this space for a summer return of Queen O’ The Deen in 2009.

Cheers again to everyone that handed in an edit or contributed to the filming and editing on one. It was grand to see the vast majority of Aberdeen Skateboarders in the same place. The scene is feeling strong. Roll on 2009.

Colin Bruce

The venue - The Tunnels, photo: Nick Law

Some technical issues getting sorted out before the premier, photo: Nick Law

Intense viewing as the Carluke edit was shown, photo: Nick Law

Halftime nonsense, photo: Nick Law

Wasteman Dan Poomplex Raberdeen, photo: Nick Law

A'deens schralpers, photo: Nick Law

A'deens schralpers pt2, photo: Nick Law

Cheers to Nick Law who produced such fine snaps that documented the night!

Thanks again to everyone that was involved.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Queen O' The Deen Edits



QOTD 2008 - Men with Jobs >>


Queen O The Deen - Team Wu-Tang >>


Queen o' The Deen - Team Under 5yr Olds EDITTTT from Simie Simpson on Vimeo.




Many more to come...


Scotland article in Giftorm


Our Swedish friend John Österlind whilst visiting the island.

John managed to get a wee article of his travels in his hometown mag 'Giftorm'.

"A game of skate in the garage and then straight to the pub"

As I don't speak Swedish I'm unable to understand what the article says but the photos in it are pretty radical, taken by local loons Sam Longmire and Colin Bruce at the kirk rail and Denburn Banks.

QOTD edits

Yo folks can I get everyone who put a Queen O' The Deen edit together to post it either on youtube, mpora, or vimeo so I can get them all up on the blog, cheers.
Thanks to everyone who made it happen!

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Division Skate Shop

Division Skate store is now open up North in Buckie so next time you're up there shralping the park go check it out!

The shop sells inline products such as;

Razor, Ground Control, Rollerblade, Usd, Kizer, Xsjado, Sifika, Undercover, Valo, Nihm, Able, Deshi, Jug Footwear, Remz, 50/50, BHC and many more.

Friday, 5 December 2008



Avalible until the 31st of December, make the most of it.


Things you should do this weekend!

1. Come down to the park and visit Boarderline to be amazed at all the fresh new stock.

2. Get yourself along to The Tunnels for 8pm to view the 'Queen O' The Deen' edits.

3. Put your dancing shoes on for 'Everything Else Sucks' Starts 11pm at The Tunnels.

4. Chill out on Sunday with a skate at the park followed by many cups o' tea.

5. Enjoy a well deserved kip!!!