Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Cliche Cle Premiere

The Scottish premiere of Cliche's new video 'Cle' will be shown in the park from 8pm tomorrow night, followed up by a few juices and a skate. Get along to this event and be the first few to view it in Scotland!
Thursday 29th of January 2009, DONT MISS IT.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


The slaves are watching and they're jealous

Polejam on tap

I reckon some gnarler could drop in on this!

Get in and build

Me and Mitchell were over in Frankfurt visiting the Bright tradeshow on the 24th/25th January. We arrived back on the island this afternoon. A Frankfurt write up will be posted later on this week...until then I've posted some photos of our trip.

Cheers Cal

Irvine and D.I.Y. spots

Colin Kennedy, fs shuvit at the beach wave wall

Paul Silvester, 5-0 one eighty out at the pumping station

Jamie Bolland, Wallie Fifty Fifty also at the pumper

Photographer Alex Irvine has recently posted some photos on his blog (Tour Dick) of some Aberdeen spots.All these spots have been made to skate, D.I.Y. jobbies! Thanks to Dobson and crew for the wee concrete trannies.
Spots can always be made skateable so pull a finger out and get creting...the more spots the merrier.


Glenshee 24th January 2009

All of Scotland's ski resorts are open at the moment so make the most of it and get up there to jib the heather fields! Much more info at

Simie's Offcuts

Tom Simpson >>
Park Simpson

Callum Barrack >>
Park Barrack

Filmer mannie Simie Simpson has now set himself up with an 'MPORA' account. He'll be posting offcuts that won't be going in his edits and assures me he will be updating it on a regular basis.

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Waalhalla Skatepark

You've seen the photos on 'Tackyworld' right? Now check out this wee edit I found...this joint looks so fresh!

Monday, 19 January 2009

Giftorm Article

John Österlind managed to get a wee article of his travels in his hometown mag 'Giftorm'.
It's been over a month now so time to show you folks what went in.

"A game of skate in the garage and then straight to the pub"

As I don't speak Swedish I'm unable to understand what the article says but the photos in it are pretty radical...shot by local loons Sam Longmire and Colin Bruce at the kirk rail and Denburn Banks.

Barrier Kult

Quoted by Keith Allan "It's one for all the family, the bundy crew and Al with his spray ons. Some rad shit in there tho. Peace"

Keith recently sent me a link to the 'Barrier Kult' video...this is gnarl at it's finest. If you haven't already seen it then click here to view the full length feature.


Sunday, 18 January 2009

Indoor Crete

Waalhalla skatepark in Nijmegen, Holland

I've seen this park a few times now popping up on the 'Tackyworld' website. Looks interesting and very very fun!


Damn son thats a tuck knee!

Scottish loon Rory has been busy schralping Aussie crete for the past few months and it looks like he's killing it. Rumour has it he's also got some photos in a magazine down under...good work son.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Cliche cle video

We have the Scottish premiere of Cliché's newest skateboard flick Cle. With all new footage from Cliché resident filmer Junior, full sections from the usual heads plus Andrew Brophy and Flo Mirtain. It’s going to be a beast and it’s happening in the skate park on Thursday the 29th. Come down and check it out and be the first people in Scotland to see it. Followed by a locked-in schralping session. Get on it.

Friday, 16 January 2009

The Knife - Heartbeats

We've all heard the song but have you ever seen the video?
Check it out...

Gotta love the mad 70s steez machines cruising the hills on out for the dude getting barreled by a hedge!

Boarderline SALE

Yo yo skaterats get yourself some fresh new threads for the ladies of 2009.

Boarderline has a massive sale on with up to 60% off selected items. Brands such as Lakai, DVS, ES, Emerica, Independent, Altamont plus many many more...

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Super Jumbo

"In 2007 Lovenskate went to Bolivia, South America. Traveling from the mountains of La Paz to the jungles of Santa Cruz, this skateboard film documents our journey." Super Jumbo is 30 minutes of film with Photo Gallery Extras by Alfredo Coloma and is presented in a DVD gatefold digipak . An eye opening insight into a lesser know skateboarding scene in South America.

Lovenskate is based in North London and is fully inspired by skateboarding, exploration and fun. To see more of what Lovenskate has to offer visit the shop, for all sorts of funtastic goodies!
Website now added to 'Click It' section.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Sam has Flickr

Rory, aka Carlos, f/s nosepick on sub box.

Local snap happy Sam Longmire has a Flickr site. It's rad so go look you won't puke!

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Friday night sessions 16th, 23rd and 30th January

Heads up locals.
For the next 3 Friday evenings between 7pm and 8pm there will be small groups of kids in learning to shralp the park.
That's the 16th, 23rd and 30th of January.
This shouldn't have too much impact on your session but some lines will be restricted to allow these youngsters time and space.
This coaching has been funded by the Health Improvement Fund. It goes without saying that we rely on funding such as this to stay in the game and also fulfill our charitable aims. Plus...the more kids that get into the vibe of the park the better for us in the long run.
Thanks for seeing the bigger picture.

Elgin Skatepark

Here are some pictures of the work in progress at Elgin Skatepark. We are waiting for coping to
be delivered next week and then we can get the mesh & rebar in before it gets sprayed.
Bring the Noise!!!

Simply Skateboarding

A mish mash of gnarled over-30s on a shralp tour...filmed and edited by Youngo.

The trippy whippy super dippy

New feature, come schralp!