It was all going off on Saturday as an International team of Graffiti artists were down painting up the wall, with the main theme being Aberdeen's killer Seagulls. Features artwork by Rogue One, Gazmac, Smug, Estum, Akme, Toke, Seck, Asbi, Sark and many more.
It's back! Queen Of the Deen officially started on the 25th of July. Get your teams together and get filming, if you haven't already received your copy of instructions nip down to your nearest Boarderline and ask a member of staff.
Rab Milne getting gnar at the Westburn Comp '08, photo: Mark Paterson.
It's official, every Wednesday at Westburn is skate session madness, so if you are at a loose end on a Wednesday evening get on down and join in on the fun.
My CPH friend Tobias Bak put this wee edit together of us messing around at the Amager Strand beach spot in Copenhagen. Features local lads Keith Allan, Haydn Morgan and farmer Barrack.
Haydn Morgan became an international superstar whilst we've been away, from photographs on the homepage of the Transworld website to an edit on the Thrasher webiste, all with a mighty fine tuckknee through a ring of fire.
Sorry for the lack of blog dates, reason is i've been away for the past twa weeks, sorry sorry sorry! I'll drop a few bombs now to get things rolling again...