Come on down to the skatepark on Monday the 31st for an evening of spooky shredding. Use your imagination and don some fancy dress for half price entry. Other spooky surprises on the night!
Seems like such a long time ago now. This edit is a quick reminder of how much of a beast this day was. In my opinion the greatest day of BMX riding the park has ever seen thanks to the efforts of the lovely folks at 20Twenty. The edit documents the whole UK trip and features mad skills from the Cult/Fed teams.
Can you spot yourself in the footage? Courtesy of Ride Uk
Sorry for the lack of posts this week folks, been rather busy with the start of the October holidays here at Transition.
Heres something a little different from most of the skate edits we put up here. Richie Mac (resident BMX coach and media guru) has been experimenting and this is the result. The skatepark has never looked so creepy. Haydn Morgan and Callum Barrack providing the proper tricks. Enjoy!