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We have made some small alterations to the skatepark timetable.
There are no major changes, some shifting of the coaching times by 15 minutes to create a gap between sessions to prevent lost time padding up during valuable coaching time. Due to popular demand we have also added an additional Birthday Party slot on Friday afternoons so we can now accomodate 3 parties a week.
We have also re-assesed our sessions and will be sticking to the Green, Amber and Red sessions in the timetable.
Green - Session reserved for novice riders/skaters still learning the basics. Pace of session is slow and some obstacles will be out of bounds
Amber - Both beginners and experienced riders/skaters can use this session. Pace is fast during busy times and beginners area reserved for novices.
Red - Session set aside for experienced riders/skaters. Beginners will only be granted admission to the designated beginners area.